Source code for jiveapi.api

The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2017 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of jiveapi, also known as jiveapi.

    jiveapi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    jiveapi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with jiveapi.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
otherwise altered, except to add the Author attribution of a contributor to
this work. (Additional Terms pursuant to Section 7b of the AGPL v3)
While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
bugs please submit them at <> or
to me via email, and that you send any contributions or improvements
either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

import logging
import requests
from urllib.parse import urljoin, quote_plus
import json

from jiveapi.jiveresponse import requests_hook
from jiveapi.exceptions import RequestFailedException, ContentConflictException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: API url param timestamp format, like '2012-01-31T22:46:12.044+0000'
#: note that sub-second time is ignored and set to zero.
TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000%z'

[docs]class JiveApi(object): """ Low-level client for the Jive API, with methods mapping directly to the Jive API endpoints. """ def __init__(self, base_url, username, password): """ :param base_url: Base URL to the Jive API. This should be the scheme, hostname, and optional port ending with a path of ``/api/`` (i.e. ````). :type base_url: str :param username: Jive API username :type username: str :param password: Jive API password :type password: str """ self._base_url = base_url if not self._base_url.endswith('/'): self._base_url += '/' self._username = username self._password = password self._requests = requests.Session() # add the requests hook to use JiveResponse() class self._requests.hooks['response'].append(requests_hook) # setup auth self._requests.auth = (self._username, self._password)
[docs] def abs_url(self, path): """ Given a relative path under the base URL of the Jive instance, return the absolute URL formed by joining the base_url to the specified path. :param path: relative path on Jive instance :type path: str :return: absolute URL to ``path`` on the Jive instance :rtype: str """ return urljoin(self._base_url, path)
[docs] def _get(self, path, autopaginate=True): """ Execute a GET request against the Jive API, handling pagination. :param path: path or full URL to GET :type path: str :param autopaginate: If True, automatically paginate multi-page responses and return a list of the combined results. Otherwise, return the unaltered JSON response. :type autopaginate: bool :return: deserialized response JSON. Usually dict or list. """ if path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith('https://'): # likely a pagination link url = path else: url = self.abs_url(path) logger.debug('GET %s', url) res = self._requests.get(url) logger.debug('GET %s returned %d %s', url, res.status_code, res.reason) if res.status_code != 200: raise RequestFailedException(res) j = res.json() if not isinstance(j, type({})) or 'list' not in j or not autopaginate: return j # else has a 'list' key if 'links' not in j or 'next' not in j['links']: return j['list'] # it has another page return j['list'] + self._get(j['links']['next'])
[docs] def _post_json(self, path, data): """ Execute a POST request against the Jive API, sending JSON. :param path: path or full URL to POST to :type path: str :param data: Data to POST. :type data: ``dict`` or ``list`` :return: deserialized response JSON. Usually dict or list. :raises: :py:exc:`~.RequestFailedException` """ if path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith('https://'): # likely a pagination link url = path else: url = self.abs_url(path) logger.debug('POST to %s (length %d)', url, len(json.dumps(data))) res =, json=data) logger.debug( 'POST %s returned %d %s', url, res.status_code, res.reason ) if res.status_code != 201: raise RequestFailedException(res) return res.json()
[docs] def _put_json(self, path, data): """ Execute a PUT request against the Jive API, sending JSON. :param path: path or full URL to PUT to :type path: str :param data: Data to POST. :type data: ``dict`` or ``list`` :return: deserialized response JSON. Usually dict or list. """ if path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith('https://'): # likely a pagination link url = path else: url = self.abs_url(path) logger.debug('PUT to %s (length %d)', url, len(json.dumps(data))) res = self._requests.put(url, json=data) logger.debug( 'PUT %s returned %d %s', url, res.status_code, res.reason ) if res.status_code not in [200, 201]: raise RequestFailedException(res) return res.json()
[docs] def user(self, id_number='@me'): """ Return dict of information about the specified user. :param id_number: User ID number. Defaults to ``@me``, the current user :type id_number: str :return: user information :rtype: dict """ return self._get('core/v3/people/%s' % id_number)
[docs] def api_version(self): """ Get the Jive API version information :return: raw API response dict for ``/version`` endpoint :rtype: dict """ return self._get('version')
[docs] def get_content(self, content_id): """ Given the content ID of a content object in Jive, return the API (dict) representation of that content object. This is the low-level direct API call that corresponds to `Get Content <https://developers.jivesoftware. com/api/v3/cloud/rest/ContentService.html#getContent%28String%2C%20Strin g%2C%20boolean%2C%20List%3CString%3E)>`_. This GETs content with the "Silent Directive" that prevents Jive read counts from being incremented. See `Silent Directive for Contents Service <https://community.jivesoftware.c om/docs/DOC-233174#>`_. :param content_id: the Jive contentID of the content :type content_id: str :return: content object representation :rtype: dict """ return self._get('core/v3/contents/%s?directive=silent' % content_id)
[docs] def create_content(self, contents, publish_date=None): """ POST to create a new Content object in Jive. This is the low-level direct API call that corresponds to `Create content <https://developers String%2C%20String%2C%20String%2C%20String%29>`_. Please see the more specific wrapper methods if they suit your purposes. :param contents: A JSON-serializable Jive content representation, suitable for POSTing to the ``/contents`` API endpoint. :type contents: dict :param publish_date: A backdated publish and update date to set on the content. This allows publishing content with backdated publish dates, for migration purposes. :type publish_date: datetime.datetime :return: API response of Content object :rtype: dict :raises: :py:exc:`~.RequestFailedException`, :py:exc:`~.ContentConflictException` """ logger.debug('Creating content...') url = 'core/v3/contents' if publish_date is not None: dts = quote_plus(publish_date.strftime(TIME_FORMAT)) logger.debug('Backdating content publish to %s (%s)', publish_date, dts) url += '?published=%s&updated=%s' % (dts, dts) try: res = self._post_json(url, contents) except RequestFailedException as ex: if ex.status_code == 409: raise ContentConflictException(ex.response) raise logger.debug( 'Created content with ID %s: %s', res.get('contentID', 'unknown'), res ) return res
[docs] def update_content(self, content_id, contents, update_date=None): """ PUT to update an existing Content object in Jive. This is the low-level direct API call that corresponds to `Update content <https://developers. String%2C%20String%2C%20String%2C%20boolean%2C%20String%2C%20boolean %29>`_. Please see the more specific wrapper methods if they suit your purposes. **Warning:** In current Jive versions, it appears that editing/updating a (blog) Post will change the date-based URL to the post, breaking all existing links to it! :param content_id: The Jive contentID of the content to update. :type content_id: str :param contents: A JSON-serializable Jive content representation, suitable for POSTing to the ``/contents`` API endpoint. :type contents: dict :param update_date: A backdated update date to set on the content. This allows publishing content with backdated publish dates, for migration purposes. :type update_date: datetime.datetime :return: API response of Content object :rtype: dict :raises: :py:exc:`~.RequestFailedException`, :py:exc:`~.ContentConflictException` """ logger.debug('Updating content with contentID %s', content_id) url = 'core/v3/contents/%s' % content_id if update_date is not None: dts = quote_plus(update_date.strftime(TIME_FORMAT)) logger.debug('Backdating content update to %s (%s)', update_date, dts) url += '?updated=%s' % dts try: res = self._put_json(url, contents) except RequestFailedException as ex: if ex.status_code == 409: raise ContentConflictException(ex.response) raise logger.debug( 'Updated content with ID %s: %s', res.get('contentID', 'unknown'), res ) return res
[docs] def get_image(self, image_id): """ GET the image specified by ``image_id`` as binary content. This method currently can only retrieve the exact original image. This is the low-level direct API call that corresponds to `Get Image <https://devel tring%2C%20String%2C%20String%2C%20String%2C%20String%29>`_. :param image_id: Jive Image ID to get. This can be found in a Content (i.e. Document or Post) object's ``contentImages`` list. :type image_id: str :return: binary content of Image :rtype: bytes """ # Testing Note: betamax==0.8.1 and/or betamax-serializers==0.2.0 cannot # handle testing the binary response content from this method. url = self.abs_url('core/v3/images/%s' % image_id) logger.debug('GET (binary) %s', url) res = self._requests.get(url) logger.debug( 'GET %s returned %d %s (%d bytes)', url, res.status_code, res.reason, len(res.content) ) if res.status_code > 299: raise RequestFailedException(res) return res.content
[docs] def upload_image(self, img_data, img_filename, content_type): """ Upload a new Image resource to be stored on the server as a temporary image, i.e. for embedding in an upcoming Document, Post, etc. Returns Image object and the user-facing URI for the image itself, i.e. ```` . This is the low-level direct API call that corresponds to `Upload New Image < e.html#uploadImage%28MultipartBody%29>`_. **Note:** Python's ``requests`` lacks streaming file support. As such, images sent using this method will be entirely read into memory and then sent. This may not work very well for extremely large images. **Warning:** As far as I can tell, the user-visible URI to an image can *only* be retrieved when the image is uploaded. There does not seem to be a way to get it from the API for an existing image. :param img_data: The binary image data. :type img_data: bytes :param img_filename: The filename for the image. This is purely for display purposes. :type img_filename: str :param content_type: The MIME Content Type for the image data. :type content_type: str :return: 2-tuple of (string user-facing URI to the image i.e. for use in HTML, dict Image object representation) :rtype: tuple """ # Testing Note: betamax==0.8.1 and/or betamax-serializers==0.2.0 cannot # handle testing the binary response content from this method. url = self.abs_url('core/v3/images') files = { 'file': (img_filename, img_data, content_type) } logger.debug('POST to %s (length %d)', url, len(img_data)) res =, files=files, allow_redirects=False) logger.debug( 'POST %s returned %d %s', url, res.status_code, res.reason ) if res.status_code != 201: raise RequestFailedException(res) logger.debug( 'Uploaded image with Location: %s', res.headers['Location'] ) return res.headers['Location'], res.json()